Saturday, November 18, 2023

Forgotten Classic Movies You Can Watch for Free

Sage of Quay News

[Source] Some of my readers have read my posts on the real reason there was a Golden Age of Television, as well as my post on the “lost” drama anthologies of that era, and how you can still buy many of them.

Hollywood movies ran pretty much parallel to television during the Golden Age: there was no sex or cursing. Violence was rarely graphic; if there was any political correctness, it was subtle and between the lines. The church was treated with respect, and Communism was depicted negatively. Homosexuality and abortion were almost entirely off-limits. No one heard of trangenderism. The Golden Age pretty much came to a stop in Autumn 1963. After that, the Deep State began a cultural PSYOP, gradually introducing the “new morality” of the sixties.

Hollywood is barely recognizable today. The last time my wife and I went to the movies (to see a rather disappointing Toy Story IV), we sat through about eight previews of coming attractions—not only were they all dark, but none of them (with one exception) even had living actors in them; the characters were all computerized. This isn’t to deny, of course, that some good movies still get made.