Monday, July 31, 2023

Big Pharma Exec Admits šŸ’‰ Are Designed To...

Todd Callender: AI Language Translation, Military Mandates & Oath of Office Violations

Daniel Ellsberg & Edward Lansdale, Military Shills?

Clowns of the week - Oxford Council & The Climate Cult - David Icke

Thoth, the Emerald Tablets, & the SECRET to Immortality

“YOU Will Own NOTHING!” - The Global Economic War Aimed At YOU

Ukraine's "Big Push" Results in Big Losses

PTPOP Interviews Artists Rafi and Klee

Sunday, July 30, 2023

RFK Jr's Obsession With The Israeli Flag

“Hey, Hey, We’re the Beatles” - Patrick O’Carroll

Sage of Quay News

NOTE FROM MIKE WILLIAMSPlease note some of the perspectives in the post are exclusive to the author, Patrick O'Carroll, and may not reflect my positions. For readers who are interested in the Beatles as a deep-state Tavistock entity, I recommend two of my presentations: Did The Beatles Write All Their Own Music (April 2020) and The ADDENDUM: Did The Beatles Write All Their Own Music (April 2023).

NOTE FROM JAMES PERLOFF - When I was a freshman at Colby College (1969-70), a friend in my dorm called me to his room. He had a lot of sound equipment. He played one of the Beatles’ albums backward. You could pretty distinctly hear a voice repeating “Paul is dead.” This was something of a rumor in those days, but we had no way to check into it (no Internet then). In my 2013 book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, I briefly wrote (based mostly on Dr. John Coleman’s work) about the Beatles having most of their music written for them by the Tavistock Institute and how so many of the “screaming girls” had been hired. Then, about two weeks ago, my friend Patrick O’Carroll sent me an email. Drawing largely on the work of Mike Williams, it fleshed out many details of how the Beatles were orchestrated and affirmed the 1966 death of the original Paul McCartney. I thought it was significant, and asked Patrick if I could publish it as a guest post. (For younger readers who might not get the title of Patrick’s post, it lampoons the song “Hey, Hey, We’re the Monkees.” The Monkees were an artificially created rock band who were notorious for neither writing their songs nor playing the instruments on their pop hits.) Patrick can be reached at Mike Williams’ website is

For those who would like to see how things were comparably falsified in the American music scene during the sixties and seventies, I recommend Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon by the late Dave McGowan, who demonstrated the orchestrated success of many bands, and their surprising connections to U.S. military and intelligence services.

by Patrick O’Carroll 

[SourceLike an intrepid musical Lieutenant Columbo, Mike Williams of Sage of Quay has focused his past seven years, since 2016, on dazzlingly debunking what he calls “The Cinderella Story,” which means the official “truth” narrative that Tavistock and British intelligence have desperately tried to feed the gullible populace for their own flagship pop project or crown jewel known as the TAVISTOCK BEATLES. Mike has shown time and time again that “The Cinderella Story” is a steaming pile of You-Know-What.

Mike has spoken about two enormous smoking guns that prove beyond doubt that the TAVISTOCK BEATLES were really no more than the equivalent of the MONKEES. In May 2020, Mike already dubbed this phenomenon with the witty yet highly descriptive designation “Hey, Hey, We’re the Beatles.”

We need to bear in mind that none of the members of the TAVISTOCK BEATLES was either a genius or even an above-average musician, especially not prior to the late summer of 1966 when Billy Shears took over for the jettisoned Paul McCartney. When the TAVISTOCK BEATLES first came to him in late 1962, record producer George Martin viewed them as “very charming people” who were not professional players and who had zero songs composed so far that were hit material. Nowadays, we know for sure that their songwriting talents remained poor throughout their careers because professional Tavistock songwriters wrote the vast majority of the songs they recorded. But people are free to believe otherwise, in which case they may well be choosing to live in Fantasy Land.

In broader terms, the TAVISTOCK BEATLES were a social-engineering project designed to transform Western society, in particular by attacking Christianity. It also remains “coincidental” that the two main protagonists of the disastrous Vatican II shifts designed to destroy Traditional Catholicism also went by the names John and Paul (Popes John XXIII and Paul VI). Furthermore, Tavistock viewed the whole pop counterculture of the 1960s as a way to destroy Christianity and to debase the West, so as to hasten the arrival of the “new” world order.

Mike calls the TAVISTOCK BEATLES “the Pied Pipers of the Eon of Horus,” which references Crowley’s term “Eon of Horus.” Note: the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley loved to refer to the Age of Aquarius as the “Eon of Horus,” to the Age of Pisces as the “Eon of Osiris,” and to the Age of Aries as the “Eon of Isis.” Crowley’s acolytes still pervade the music business today; they are known as “Crowleyites.”


Harvesting of the Earth’s Original Energy Grid System & Us

The Kennedy Cult

Age of Deceit - Fallen Angels and the New World Order (2012)

NYC Crane Collapse: Esoteric Decode

Big Win in the UK regarding Transgender Push in Schools

The Inner Workings of the Bloodline Families

At the Mercy of the Big Banks

NASA and Moon Landings PSYOPS

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The fraudulent maritime legal system explained


Max Igan - The Future

Styrofoam Hammer attack of Paul Pelosi

šŸ’‰ Damage Detailed by Nurses and Hospital Staff

They're all actors (literally)

Jordan Peterson Sentenced to RE-EDUCATION

The Power of the Israeli Lobby

Friday, July 28, 2023

Survey Says! These are Your Definitions of 'Woke'

Military countermeasures deployed on Americans and global population

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Dr. William Pierce

Hidden Messages in Beatles Films #2: "Help!"

James Corbett: Tell-Lie-Vision

A Few Good Men, Camp Lejeune North Carolina


Satanic Media Pope

The Oldest Footage of Horses

Meet America's New Military Leaders of Tomorrow šŸ¤¦šŸ»‍♂️

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Paul McCartney (Billy Shears) - Right Eye Blind šŸ‘️ Masterfully Speaking of Course

Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man

Femme Fatale, Inverted (Hollywood Homicides)

Pastor Pawlowski facing 10 years in prison for "eco-terrorism"

Obama’s Chef, Who Had Evidence About šŸ• Murdered?

Nothing new under the sun

PTPOP - New Social Media Channel

Here's the link to the platform:

Lost Dr. Moreau Film! The Island of the Lost (1921) Colorized & Sound (Full movie)

Proof of Global Pre-Flood Super-Civilization?

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Babylonian Radhanites

The Murdered of Muammar Gaddafi


There is no such thing as "fossil" fuel.

G. Edward Griffin Warns Of False Leaders in The Fight Against The World Order

Reporter Who Broke Hunter Laptop Story TESTIFIES

The Hunter Biden laptop story first appeared in the New York Post in a story written by reporter Emma Jo Morris. Now, following nearly three years of controversy relating to the laptop and its contents, Morris is finally speaking out, specifically testifying in front of a House committee, laying out the convoluted plot to label the laptop “Russian disinformation” and convince social media companies to suppress the story.

Armor Inferno - Hitler's Deadliest Tank Fleet

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Jewish Coup in Ukraine/Khazaria - Texe Marrs

The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

Mike Williams - The ADDENDUM: Did the Beatles Write ALL Their Own Music?

Beatles researcher Mike Williams reflects back on his April 2020 groundbreaking and controversial presentation Did the Beatles Write All Their Own Music? In this April 2023 update, titled The Addendum, Mike presents additional findings that reinforce his conclusion that the Beatles did not write all their own music and did not play on all their recorded tracks.


Yuval Noah Harari Gaslight Away Existence of The NWO

Actors Will Be Replaced With Artificial Intelligence

Turbo Cancers and Detox Scrutiny

Vince Russo | Q&A Live!

Negative Entities & the Enslavement of Humanity

Caviezel: “I’m Jesus; Trump is Moses”

Sage of Quay News

[Source] Democracy is communism, let us get this fact out of our way…

Evil is evil, there is no voting for lesser evil..what are the acceptable levels for measurement of evilness?

25%,30% 45 %… “STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES” to quote the line from the movie.

Sound of free doom, this world will die with the Bible or if you wish the Holly Book or he will raise out of the ashes without silly nonsense written in the Holly books-plural.

How many people can actually read and understand so-called Holly books, I mean truly, understand them?

Almost everything that is written in the so-called Holly Book is an allegory, so one looming question remains:

Why would anyone write the ultimate truth in such a way that only chosen few can understand what is written in this Book?


Monday, July 24, 2023

Max Igan - Welcome to Clown World

WEF Scientist Testifies 'Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam'

NY Times Admits Covid Deaths Were WAY OVERCOUNTED

MSM Claims Covid Is Back! šŸ¤”


Think Tanks (Military Intelligence Warfare)

Renting The American Dream - You Will Own Nothing


Sunday, July 23, 2023


Israel’s KAMIKAZE Drones Fly Inside Homes

The Israeli military is touting a new piece of hardware called a “kamikaze” drone that will be able to enter homes and “neutralize” targeted individuals.

Jesus Reveals YOU are GOD

Phantom Figures

KFC Commercial (Diablo)

Cancers Skyrocket In Young People

Silhouette on the shade, Paul Pelosi

New World Order: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control and the CIA

'Disinformation Dozen' Sue CORRUPT Media Outlets

Social Credit System Set To ENSLAVE America

Transplant Patients Are Held Hostage

WEF Ultimate Goal Is 'CBDC Under the Skin'

American Presidential Bloodlines

Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth-century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election.

Jay Dyer Exposes Globalist Plan For Humanity

James Corbett - Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Conspiracy Theorist (2013)

The Secret Destiny Of America (FULL DOCUMENTARY) - Manly P. Hall

Friday, July 21, 2023

Bart Sibrel : One Small Step for Man, One Giant Illusion for Mankind: Over 50 Years of Lunar Lies

The Beatles, an EMI-RCA-CBS Masonic PYSOP (a Tavistock Creation)

The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick's Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World

U.N. Calls For a New Era in Social Media Integrity - It Will Be Safe and Effective

John Kerry NWO Grifter

Control Techniques & Methods

Woke Sissies Are RUINING Sports

Cutting Off Your Little Finger

Unveiling the Dark Side of Electric Cars

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Rumble Bans ‘Hate Speech’ and ‘Anti-Semitism’ the same Day Trump joined Platform

Sage of Quay News

[Source] Questions linger surrounding the timing of changes to Rumble’s Terms and Conditions on the very same day President Trump’s verified account appeared on the video hosting website. New rules to limit ‘hate speech’ appeared on Saturday with specific mention of “anti-Semitic” content and comments being in violation.

Most of the list of what is not allowed as content on the site deals with legalities such as trademarks, copyright, intellectual property, pornography, inciting violence, etc., but a line is aimed squarely at the ambiguous ‘hate speech’. It reads, “Content or material that is grossly offensive to the online community, including but not limited to, expressions of bigotry, prejudice, racism, anti-Semitism and hatred”



A new era of genetically modified foods using CRISPR technologies is hitting a grocery store shelf near you. Watch to hear Jefferey’s in-depth reporting of this new genetically modified food, which regulators do not feel necessary to regulate, as new science is showing that this new technology may cause major problems.

Can you Define 'Woke' in a Couple of Sentences (Without Getting Emotional?)

Try to describe what ‘woke’ is to people who will reject emotional language and who don’t know anything about history and philosophers like Marx.

US Military Transgender Agenda Funded by Taxpayers

Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips

Jose & Kitty Menendez shotgun murders, August 20, 1989



As new CDC director Dr. Mandy Cohen takes the helm of the agency, the topic of ‘chestfeeding’ has hit the media as guidelines from the CDC now recommend off-label use of drugs to enable men to breastfeed.

Cultural Weapons System Merging

Mom is Pissed at School Board

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Mike Williams on the PTPop Podcast - The Beatles Machine

Hidden Messages in Beatles Films #1: "A Hard Day's Night"

Hidden messages, predictive programming and propaganda within the first Beatles film, “A Hard Day’s Night”.

Most Incredible Monsters Ever Discovered?

Scott Ritter - "They're all dead, and Ukraine has no real men left"

Enemy Agents: Screenwriters, authors, publishing, Google Search, celebrities

Graphene Found In Rainwater?

Leaked Federal Body Camera Footage - Insight Into Police Tactics During the Bundy Ranch Siege

Every American Homeowner Needs to Watch This

Trump was given $1M by Pfizer

Not His Concern. Pence Tells Tucker Carlson What He Thinks of Struggling Americans

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

RFK Jr. Taken to the Woodshed

Gavin Newsom Groomed for the Presidency - British style

The TRUTH HISTORY of Modern America

MATRIX Superstructure (Explained)

Amish Are Officially 'Healthiest People in the World'

Max Igan - End Game - The Launchpad Podcast

WWII - Judea Declares War on Germany - Dr. Fredrick Toben (2004)

Few people know the facts about the singular event that helped spark what ultimately became known as World War II - the international Jewish declaration of war on Germany shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power and well before any official German government sanctions or reprisals against Jews were carried out. The March 24, 1933 issue of The Daily Express of London (shown above) described how Jewish leaders, in combination with powerful international Jewish financial interests, had launched a boycott of Germany for the express purpose of crippling her already precarious economy in the hope of bringing down the new Hitler regime. It was only then that Germany struck back in response. Thus, if truth be told, it was the worldwide Jewish leadership - not the Third Reich - that effectively fired the first shot in the Second World War. Prominent New York attorney Samuel Untermyer was one of the leading agitators in the war against Germany, describing the Jewish campaign as nothing less than a "holy war."

Sounds Like the End of Freedom - 3 Globalist Traps

BlackRock CEO Admits ESG's Are About 'Forcing Behaviors'

Video from 2017 has resurfaced on social media showing BlackRock CEO Larry Fink boasting of forcing companies to bend the knee to Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies and its Environmental Social Governance (ESG) system.


Monday, July 17, 2023

Mike Williams - Welcome New Subscribers to the Paul Is Dead and Beatles Conspiracy!

Paul Pelosi DUI Car Wrecks and Hammer Attack

Climate "crisis" curtailing your freedoms

Bailiffs with unsigned court papers walk away empty handed - UK


Manson Family Hoax to Conceal NATO Gladio Murders

The Only Jan 6 Protester Being Protected By The Media. WHY?

The East India Companies, the Theft of India & the Legacy of the Mughal Empire

Living in Low RF / Microwave Exposure Zones

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Military NATO Gladio KILLS: JFK, RFK, Tate-LaBianca, Nicole Brown and more

Science for Hire (Documentary)

Will You Reincarnate on EARTH Again?

"Net Zero" from the World Economic Forum

"Net Zero" means achieving 0.0% CO2 emissions by closing farms, killing animals, giving up normal food and even "protecting" the planet from the sun.


William Shatner's third wife Nerine murdered

Old World Trading

Smoke & A Room Full of Mirrors - Jimi Hendrix's Military Career

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Frank Olson, CIA ARMY Bioweapons suicide at a Hilton Hotel

Amazing Polly - My Take on the Sound of Freedom Production

I post, you decide...

Banker Admits 'Absolute Control' to be Excercised with Digital Currency

Angel Studios Directing People to Clinton-Podesta NGOs

NATO DENIES Janitor Zelensky

Now we have LATIN-X? šŸ¤”

RFK - Reconnect

PRICELESS: Douglas Murray’s Hilarious Take on LGBTQIA+

This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDCs

Friday, July 14, 2023

Moloch (Saturn) Worship - ROBERT SEPEHR


The Brunson Brothers - Suing the Whole of Congress for Certifying a Rigged Election

What if four famous trumpet-playing brothers dodged Hollywood's fame trap, and years later banded together again to sue Congress for certifying an election that was blatantly rigged? Would you believe they managed to subpoena "president" Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? They were served.

The Disinformation Company (Disinfo)


Targeting Sex Trafficked Children For Trauma Based Mind Control

WEF Launches CBDC Microchip To 'End Gun Ownership in America'

The Dumbest Smear Job of RFK Yet

Is Earth Actually Hell?

I figure purgatory at a minimum šŸ˜

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Greg Reese - Child Slavery

Is it possible the film Sound of Freedom is a revelation of the method with the intention of normalizing the issue?

45% Of Americans Drinking POISONOUS Water

Pfizer & Media Caught Lying About Graphene Oxide

The Transgender Empire

Max Igan - It's One Big Scam

Tucker Carlson Interview with Russell Brand

For those who are interested. Personally, Tucker Carlson makes me yawn.

Bill Gates and his invisible food poison

A Zionist/Rothschilds Plot - SGT Report

"Gays Against Groomers" Counter Radical Trans Ideology

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Biologist Explains Sex & Gender

The Psychology of Psychopaths - Predators who Walk Among Us

The Eisenhower Holocaust - Texe Marrs

James Bacque estimates that upwards of 1 million German POWs died in American and French camps after World War II. Numerous American soldiers have come forward to testify to this atrocity. Their testimonies were deposited in 2009 in the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto where they are available for use.

SCL Group (Cambridge Analytica)

Dr. Shiva On Adrenochrome

Prepare for BILLIONS of 'Social Credit Prisoners'

“Biden Family Took MILLIONS In Chinese Bribes!” – Says China Whistleblower

True History of the Anunnaki: First Archive

What Did RFK Jr ACTUALLY Say About Jailing Dissent?

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Human trafficking ring hidden in plain sight

Alabama RICO Conspiracy Accuses Corrupt Judges and Attorneys

Shh! Noise Is Harmful

Biden Whistleblower: "Who is the One-Eyed FBI Mole?"

Top 5 Insane Things From Pride Month

Garry Shandling, Social Engineer

RFK Jr Under Attack At Reason Magazine

Liz Wolfe full video:

Egyptian ALIEN Reveals HIDDEN LAWS of the UNIVERSE

Monday, July 10, 2023

The Tetanus Vaccine... Hoax?

Degrees of Discernment (Wisdom)



Robert F. Kennedy Jr: CIA, Power, Corruption, War and Freedom

Billy Carson's Alarming Insights on Lower IQ in the Next Generation

The Avatar of Wyrd by Mike Kay

Sage of Quay News

[Source] Living in America, the standard Hitler narrative is clear and simple. It is crafted via countless Hollywood productions, promoted endlessly by cardboard cutout politicians, taught tirelessly in schools now leading the world in the promotion of human and societal devastation.

The Hitler narrative is so ingrained in current public opinion, that it escapes accountability, or any objective examination. It is abundantly clear to anyone who bothers stray beyond the clearly defined no-go zones of the Hitler narrative, that there is more to this image of a comic book villain than meets the eye. Such conditions naturally cause thinking people to raise questions. Perhaps the most significant of these questions is, who was Adolf Hitler?


Sunday, July 9, 2023

Animals Share The Love

Max Blumenthal’s Brave UN Speech on Ukraine

Major Ruling Protecting Free Speech Against Government and Tech Censorship

Cult Ritual Face Diapers

Fact Checkers Lie

9/11: Hollow Towers - All Five Parts (5 hours)

Eric Darton published in 1999 the most comprehensive ‘biography’ of the WTC twin towers. Please note that Darton is certainly no ‘conspiracy theorist’ – as his book only traces the towers’ history from their birth up to 1999. However, it turns out to provide invaluable clues as to how the towers’ tenants might have been ‘controlled’ – so to speak – after the first 1993 “Al-Qaeda” bombing. ‘Divided We Stand’ is also a treasure trove for anyone interested in the wheelings and dealings that – historically – have characterized these most cumbersome, asbestos-laced, and strongly disliked buildings.

J.P. Morgan Sunk the Titanic to Form the Federal Reserve

The “privatization” of the U.S. Federal Reserve was ushered into being by a group of Illuminati “banksters” with a plan to create a New World Order. Operating outside of the constraints of the U.S. government, the “privatized” Federal Reserve controls the US government’s central banking system.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sage of Quay™ - Mike Williams - Occultism and Social Engineering (with Spanish subtitles)

Thank you Bruno for compiling this video and translating it. Bruno's Bitchute channel:

Noam Chomsky, Woody Allen & Jeffrey Epstein

Demonic Manifestations Rise as Society Crumbles

Whistleblower ACCUSES Gov't of Being Middleman in Massive 'Child Trafficking Operation'

Chuck Berry - Underage Girls and Porn?

History of the Kennedy Compound

A Brief History of Shape-Shifting Reptilians

I post, you decide...

North Carolina Governor VETOES Bills BANNING Child Genital Mutilation

Russia Confirms BRICS To Launch Gold-Backed Currency

Friday, July 7, 2023

Comedy of Clueless Clowns (Zombie Apocalypse)

Turnpikes, Canals & Control (The Network)

Affirmative Action Ruling Sparks Anti-Asian Hate

Canadian Wildfires Being Used to Poison Americans?

What IS Spiritual Evolution?

The end is not near; it's here. We're standing on the precipice of the biggest cosmic shift in human history. We're not just talking about spiritual evolution; we're living it. The end of the old world has arrived. Are you ready to welcome the new one?

Billy Watson with Polla Pratt - The War On Oxygen and Remedies

Oregon State Recording Law NO LONGER EXISTS

James O’Keefe won a major free speech lawsuit. There is ZERO reason for this video to be "age-restricted" by YouTube other than to screw with an important court decision that cowards don't support. Click the YT link to watch.

A Year in the Life – Childhood Beatlemania – Cinema Chains and Beat Boom Package Tours

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Mike Williams with David NiƱo Rodriguez- Question Everything

The Illuminati Flame

AI Reading Your Thoughts Through WiFi?

The Fed Launches Phase One of Their CBDC This Month

Malaria Outbreak in U.S.

Stop Buying Their Crap! - #SolutionsWatch

Judge Blocks Biden Admin from Censoring Dissent on Social Media

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Reclaim Democracy

I prefer reclaiming the Republic...

Stranded - Short Movie

Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities

Port Authority Military Murder

On Globalism’s Popes, Presidents, and Profiteers | Remnant TV

Woke Demonstrators Protest Supreme Court Rulings with Bizarre Ritual

Israel using major firepower against the Palestinian people

Facebook Targets Cambodia's Prime Minister: A Lesson in Securing Information Space

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy Dependence Day America! šŸ¤”

Sage of Quay News

Independence Day Celebration (Analysis)

America's First Drug Kingpins

The truth is coming out no matter what they do

Are Sanctions War? - Questions For Corbett

No One Wants To Join The 'Bud Light' Military

WTC 7 and The Twin Towers: Stunning Evidence Of Controlled Demolition

Hollywood Elite

Google's blogger DELETES post discussing human trafficking

What was deleted?

Monday, July 3, 2023

Rare Alex Jones Monologue ✡️

I had this clip on my hard drive for a long time and had forgotten about it. I don't know who the person is that chimes in during the video. Jones mentions the Bush administration so the timeframe, if I had to guess, is probably the 2008/2009 period.

Drawing Souls Towards the Sun

Sage of Quay News

by Opeaus Blair

[Source] Daylight dawning over the horizon signals so much more than just the beginning of a new day here on Earth. The celestial orb of ‘light’ that marks the passage of our day has always been central to man’s beliefs. Reverence, and deification of the ‘Sun’ is one of the earliest, and the most inherently natural, forms of religious proclamation. Human ‘minds’ recognize the power of the Sun, and inevitably humanity came to worship ‘Him’ as some sort of proxy for the ‘Supreme Deity’ (the ‘One’ or the ‘Source’ of all). The various beneficial influence(s) of the Sun resulted in him being identified with (what became known as), the ‘Principle of Good’, and as a result, wherever you find ‘Gods’, you will find a Sun god or goddess. Whether that be the ‘Mithras’ of the Persians, ‘Ra’ and ‘Osiris’ to the Egyptians, the Chaldean ‘Bel’, ‘Adon’ to the Phoenicians, ‘Helios’ and ‘Apollo’ to the Greeks, the Goddesses ‘Sol’ of the Norse, and ‘Arinna’ of the Hittite, ‘Huitzilopochtli’ of the Aztec, ‘Inti’ to the Inca, ‘Kinich Ahau’ to the Maya, or ‘Lugh’ of the Celts; in each (and every) case these gods are all ‘personifications’ of the Sun.

Regardless of which individual culture they relate to, all of these Sun gods and goddesses are representations of a sort of ‘regenerating’ principle, and through them the rejuvenation, and perpetuation, of this material existence (as well as the ‘existence’ of Earth) is ensured to continue. In fact, throughout all of the nations and peoples of antiquity, temples have been dedicated to worshiping the ‘Sun’ (this is quite possibly because many early priests were well versed in Astrology; as such, their writings and oral traditions are better understood when viewed through this ancient science). This is demonstrated by the fact that, the Sun is said to ‘reign supreme’ amongst all of the ‘celestial bodies’ that were visible to the astrologers of old. As such, the Sun was assigned to the highest position (amongst the gods) and became symbolic of the ‘supreme authority’ (or ‘One’), and from their understanding of the ‘principles’ of the Sun came the concept of the ‘Trinity’ (as it is known by humanity today). This concept of a ‘Triune Divinity’ is not peculiar to Christian (and wider Abrahamic) theology, but it forms a central tenant of the dogma of all the greatest religions (both ancient and modern).


"Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!!"